Advertising Disclosures

  • El préstamo publicado es una ARM (Hipoteca con Tasa de Interés Variable) de 5/1 con un plazo de amortización total de 30 años de las ofertas actuales publicadas para consumidores por Prestamistas de la Red.
  • Después del periodo inicial, la tasa de interés variable y el pago se ajustarán cada año e igualarán el total de la tasa LIBOR de 12 meses (1.92 % a partir del 13-Dec-20) más un margen de n/a%.
  • El cambio periódico máximo en la tasa de interés es 2 % con un incremento máximo de tasa de % por encima de la tasa de interés inicial.
  • Si la tasa de interés se ajustó a la tasa máxima (la cual no puede ocurrir sino hasta después del quinto año), el pago máximo mensual por cada monto del préstamo será: $1272.42 USD por $175,000 USD; $1442.84 USD por $200,000 USD; $1,609.94 USD por $225,000 USD; $1803.55 USD por $250,000 USD; $2812.28 USD por $400,000 USD.
  • No existe multa por pago anticipado.
  • La Tasa Anual Equivalente (APR) es variable y está sujeta a incrementarse o reducirse, entonces sus pagos pueden incrementarse o reducirse cada año después del periodo inicial.
  • El siguiente cuadro muestra la tasa de interés, la APR, y los pagos mensuales iniciales:

    Ejemplos de pagos (en USD)

    Monto del Préstamo Tasa de interés inicial (por 60 meses) APR Pagos mensuales iniciales (por 60 meses)
    $175,000 n/a% n/a% $n/a
    $200,000 n/a% n/a% $n/a
    $225,000 n/a% n/a% $n/a
    $250,000 n/a% n/a% $n/a
    $400,000 n/a% n/a% $n/a
  • Suposiciones de Divulgación
  • La tasa de interés cotizada asume un puntaje crediticio de la FICO de 720 con una relación préstamo a valor máxima de 80 % en una residencia primaria.
  • La tasa de interés real, la APR y el pago pueden variar con base en las condiciones específicas del préstamo seleccionado, la verificación de la información, su historial crediticio, el tipo y ubicación de la propiedad y otros factores según los determinen los Prestamistas.
  • La tasa de interés inicial se fija por 5 años. La APR divulgada se basa en n/a puntos de descuento, tarifa de origen de n/a% y cargos adicionales de financiamiento de pago por adelantado de n/a que se pagarán al cierre. El primer pago ajustado probablemente incrementará a aproximadamente 1,239.35.
  • La tasa de interés y la APR son variables y sujetas a incremento
  • No disponible en todos los estados.
  • Las tasas están sujetas a cambio diariamente sin aviso.
  • Los montos de pago que se muestran no incluyen impuestos o seguro.

LendingTree Advertisement Disclosure:


For a current list of applicable state licensing and disclosures, click Licenses and Disclosures or call for details.

LendingTree, LLC NMLS Unique Identifier #1136; AL Mortgage Brokers License #8694;
AK Mortgage Broker/Lender License #AK1136; AZ Mortgage Broker License #0902469;
AR Mortgage Broker License #24441; CA Department of Financial Protection & Innovation, CA Financing Law License #6037234; CO Mortgage Company Registration Regulated by the Division of Real Estate, NMLS ID #1136; CT Mortgage Broker License #4164 – MORTGAGE BROKER ONLY, NOT A MORTGAGE LENDER OR MORTGAGE CORRESPONDENT LENDER; CT Small Loan Company License #SLC-1136; DE Broker License #010996; DC Mortgage Broker License #MLB1136; FL Mortgage Broker License #MBR1298; GA Mortgage Broker/Processor License/Registration #12989; HI Mortgage Loan Originator Company License #HI-1136; ID Mortgage Broker/Lender License #MBL-893; IL Residential Mortgage Licensee #MB.0005433; IN-SOS Loan Broker License #1136; IA Mortgage Broker License #741; KS Mortgage Company License #MC.0002279; KY Mortgage Broker License #MB17994; LA Residential Mortgage Lending License #189; ME Loan Broker License #1136; MD Mortgage Lender License #4737; MA Mortgage Broker License #MB1136 – LendingTree arranges but does not make loans; MA Small Loan Company License #SL0533; MI 1st Mortgage Broker License #FL0016258, 2nd Mortgage Broker Registrant #SR0016259; MN Residential Mortgage Originator License #MN-MO-40127258; MS Mortgage Broker License #1136; MO Mortgage Company License #1136, 4509 Lemay Ferry Rd., St. Louis, MO 63129; MT Mortgage Broker License #1097; NE Mortgage Banker License #1517; NV Mortgage Company License #1698, NV Bus. ID NV20051235630, Las Vegas Bus. License #P50-02291; NH Mortgage Broker License #14208-MBR; NH Small Loan Lender License #23645-SM; NJ Residential Mortgage Broker License #0801779 – LendingTree does not make mortgage loans or commitments or fund any mortgage loans; NM Mortgage Loan Company License #00395; NM Small Loan Company License #02048; NY – LT Technologies in lieu of true name LendingTree, LLC, Registered Mortgage Broker – NYS Department of Financial Services License #RMB 203974 – LendingTree arranges mortgage loans with third-party providers; NC Mortgage Broker License #B-113401; ND Money Broker License #MB100817; OH Residential Mortgage Lending Act Certificate of Registration #RM.802159.000, 1210 Louden St. #2, Cincinnati, OH 45202; OK Mortgage Broker License #MB002490; OR Mortgage Lending License #ML-1862; OR Consumer Finance License #0420-001-C; PA Mortgage Broker License #20298; RI Loan Broker License #20062113LB; SC Mortgage Broker License #MB-0504600, SC Branch Location NMLS ID #234375; SD Mortgage Brokerage License #1136.MB; TN Mortgage License #109266; TX SML Mortgage Company License, NMLS ID #1136, Mr. Shan Guo Residential Mortgage Loan Originator #300978, 11500 State Highway 121, Ste. 410, Frisco, TX 75035; UT DRE Mortgage Entity License #5489470-NMLC; VT Mortgage Broker License #0055 MB; VA Mortgage Broker License #MC-1052; WA Mortgage Broker License #MB-1136; WV Mortgage Broker License #MB-20020; WI Mortgage Broker License #2630BR; WY Mortgage Broker License #838. Licensing information last amended on 28-Mar-25.


Advertised Terms and Information

  • The information and disclosures above relate to advertised terms made by or through LendingTree.
  • Interest rates and terms are from a lender or lenders with whom LendingTree may match you and that offer the particular product. The disclosures are current as of the date indicated.
  • LendingTree is not a lender in any transaction and does not make loans, loan commitments or lock-rates. All credit decisions, including loan approval and the conditional rates and terms you are offered, are the responsibility of the participating lenders and will vary based upon your loan request, your particular financial situation, and criteria determined by the lenders to whom you are matched. Not all consumers will qualify for the advertised rates and terms. APR may be in lieu of rebates or incentives. Dealer participation may affect consumer cost.
  • You may not be matched with a lender making a particular conditional loan offer, and LendingTree does not guarantee that any lender will make you a conditional loan offer. LendingTree arranges for multiple conditional loan offers through its network of nonaffiliated lenders. See the Terms of Use Agreement for more details. The Terms of Use Agreement governs these advertised Terms and Information.
  • FICO score means the FICO credit score report that a lender receives from a consumer reporting agency.